Heidi Griffin.
Value & Mission Statement:
Creating an experience that cultivates life and community support, dynamic individual empowerment and growth.
Disrupting the individual experience with intention and results.
A 2 mile run. Coffee. Journaling. Praying. Oatmeal. Kids. Fun. Disrupting Shit.
Working. In a coffee shop. Connecting. Building. Thriving.
Ugly. Fake. Hate. Unkind words. Fear.
Life. Love. Gratitude. Heart. Kind words. Power. And Disrupting Shit.
I have a million people to be thankful for, a million to love and another million to connect with. I want to be in the arena doing the work. I want to do life with a full and happy heart.
What does 'make happy happen' do? Disrupt the status quo that happy just happens. Don't wait on the sidelines for life to happen. For your happy to happen. You have to do the work. And the work never ends.
Hard work, works. I am not afraid of hard work. And if I am, I show up for it anyways.
Be the Buffalo, not the Cow.
Disruptive shit number one, pregnant at 19. Number two, breast cancer at 37. Third, divorced. And the fourth disruption...$17.10. I want to be really transparent and intentional when I say, none of this was fun, but it forced me to show up as my best self or the self that I work hard to show up for. And there is magic and power in that. For that, I am grateful.
My Favorite Things
My Kids. My Happy. My WHY. My Life. My Heart. My One More.
my happy place!
Accessorizing. I'm that girl with 47 pairs of earrings and a closet full of shoes. Hey, we all have our fun in life.
My Favorite Things
Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.
Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.
my guilty pleasure
Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.
5 am
tennis shoes
dark chocolate
watching tv
eating out
6 am
high heels
2 mile run
Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree?
This That